Sunday 26 November 2006

Beep...Beep...Beep...Kereta Kecil ku berbunyi...

I just got back from a quick trip back home. Tiring but it was fun. Its always fun to see my mom and dad and my "up town" cousin from Honk Kong. He always say the funniest stuff and act real weird at times. That's my family, they all weird LOL.

The high of the trip would be my car loan finalisation with my dad. YES ! finnally i would be getting a car of my own. A lovely little MyVi. I can't wait to drive my mates around town.

Downer is i would have to start paying petrol and toll. Not to mention the maintainance, sigh!

Aiyo, win some lose some lor....

"Sweet Little Car....Mine will be Silver Though : >"

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