Thursday 8 March 2007

On the face of the Moon

OMG, I just realised that I can log onto Blogger from the office. Geez, why didn’t I try doing so earlier. Now I can start yapping whenever I have nothing to do.

Just to sum up the last month or so, CNY came and went, JO came and went but my life is still in a standstill @_#

I will be moving to a new place this weekend. I am a little sad to leave my old place. Guess I have grown too attached to it.

On the other hand I am looking forward to the change. Now that I have got a new guitar and the complete works, I am hoping to turn my new room into a mini studio. Who knows I might have enough stuff to cut an album @_@ LOL who am I kidding?

My aspiration to become a rock star was reignited after the recent ‘MUSE’ gig. It was arguably one of the best gig I have attended. Matthew Bellamy showed tremendous skills on the guitar and the piano. It is no surprise that their shows were given the tag ‘Best show on the earth’ for the year 2006.

1 comment:

deathBerry said...

Goodbye to Mr Paratroopers (the termites la) then!

p/s syhh... don't tell anybody but I'm blogging from the office, too.