Monday 31 December 2007

A long December, a short path in comparison

We make conscious choices in everything we do in life. Sometimes we contemplate our actions and give it more thought than necessary which in turn leads to complication.

Most things are not rocket science and do not require the logic of a nuclear scientist to figure out as they are plain as it is. What you see is what things are and the more you see the more you learn.

If life was not simple, the population of the world would only be a fifth of its current count as most will die from over-analyzing-stress-inducing-cardiac-deconstructing disease.

We act out of kindness, love and care because we simply are good. We curse, condemn & hate because we are no different from other living creatures.

There is no complex calculus involved in any of these, we know, but yet we try to think there is. Simplicity is so apparent that we force ourselves to think there is more then meets the eye.

When in fact, all that meets the eye is in fact all there is that meets the eye. So as the year draws to a close, I ponder upon the last 12 months and try to look at things as it is and spot the times when embracing simplicity would’ve makes things a little more colourful.

Next year, as I grow a little older (unfortunately this is mandatory), I will make sure simplicity prevails and live a little more.

The list of things I would love to do in 2008 (this list is not exhaustive):

- Read more and practice writing to improve my literally skills.
- Play the guitar more and learn music with renewed vigour.
- Compose even more and record all existing materials.
- Intensify my fitness regime (it is time to get myself in tip top condition)
- Travel and have proper holidays.
- Spend a little less, save the rest.
- Listen all the time, speak only when required.
- Spend more time with my parents and make them good times.
- Keep coming up with great things to do through out the year

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